This is an easy meal to prepare. The leftovers can be made into many different dishes like sandwiches. It can be added into fried rice and goes into paprika soup, etc... You don't have to cook the whole chicken, you can cook with just drumsticks, thighs, breast meat or a mixture. If you cook less than the whole chicken, you will have to adjust the cooking time.
1 tbsp Paprika
1 tsp poultry
Salt and pepper to taste
2 gloves garlic cut into half, more if you like roasted garlic
5 tbsp melted butter
1 tbsp cooking oil
2 lbs of potatoes, peeled
Preheat oven to 450°F. In a small bowl mix together paprika, poultry, salt, pepper and set aside.
Cut the potatoes into big chunks, drizzle with some oil and salt, mix together then arrange them into a roasting pan and set aside, the chicken will be placed on top of it.
Remove giblets from chicken (giblets can used for soup later). Rinse chicken inside and out with cold running water. Pat dry with paper towels.
Rub oil all over the chicken, sprinkle the herbs mixture inside and out. Tie ends of the legs together with kitchen twine and tuck wingtips under. Place chicken breast side up onto the potatoes in the roasting pan. Reduce the heat to 400°F. Bake uncovered for 30 minutes.
Open the oven, baste the melted butter on the chicken. Drizzle some oil on the cut side of the garlic and add into the pan with cut side down. Bake 10 minutes and loosely shield the chicken with aluminum foil to prevent excessive browning, cook for another 30 minutes or until the kitchen meat thermometer reaches 165°F in the inner thigh or the juices runs clear. Take the chicken out of the oven and let rest for 10 minutes.
Transfer the chicken to a platter. Serve with roasted garlic and potatoes.