This is one of my favorite
childhood cakes. In those days we did not have an electric cake mixer and my mum used a
giant spring/pump whisk to pump the egg whites, one of my brothers
always standing by to help her. It needs a lot of energy to pump up the egg whites and sugar.
We finished the cake within minutes and she never had a chance to
get a second piece. A couple of years later my dad bought her a
Kenwood stand mixer, not sure why she didn't use it to make this recipe.
It is difficult to find this cake in Charlotte. I have seen it once in a Asian grocery store but the store is very far from us. Anyway, this is not difficult to make.
2 1/2 cups cake flour
1/2 tsp Salt
1 1/3 cup sugar, separated. (take 1/2 cup from here for whisking egg whites)
1/2 cup vegetable oil
3/4 cup coconut cream
5 Egg yolks
1/4 tsp Pandan essence
7 Egg whites
1/2 cup Sugar (take from the 1 1/3cup above)
1/2 tsp Cream tartar
1 tbsp baking powder
Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly grease a 9 1/2" round tube pan.
a big mixing bowl, mix together the first group of ingredients: cake
flour, salt, sugar, coconut cream, egg yolks, pandan essence and set
I noticed the baking powder starts to work almost immediately once it
is added into the pandan batter, that is why I add it after the egg
white is ready. This is to prevent the cake from rising unevenly. (Spongy top and hard bottom)